The Great Shanty Off
Australian Maritime Museum Feb 22. Join us and a bunch of shantynuts for a stomp and a sing and a yo ho ho. The Dreadnoughts are a Canadian 6-piece folk punk band from Vancouver. The band combines a wide range of European folk music with modern street punk. Here’s their YouTube channel and from it this track Pique La Baleine - you stab the whale and I’ll drive the boat!
Conversation with a Flute
The late Francis Bebey here describes the enchanting music of the Baka people of Cameroon, through the medium of voice and a simple flute.
Plyve Kacha
Former VVL member Stephen Taberner now leads the world famous Spooky Men’s Chorale. Here they team up with some Ukranians for the ineffably sad Plyve Kacha (Little Duckling), about a young man going off to war, to die in foreign lands, buried by strangers.